
Elevator products and packages

We have over 100 year experience supplying elevators and escalators to hotels worldwide. Using the latest technology, we bring a new look and feel, enhanced security, in-car entertainment and exceptional performance that’s matched to guests’ needs and individual hotel layouts

First-class mobility for business or vacation guests

Our elevators and escalators deliver guests to their rooms quietly, efficiently and comfortably, and can be designed flexibly to form a valuable complement to your hotel’s interior design.

Seamless, comfortable mobility.

Designed to meet Swiss standards of precision, Schindler hotel elevators ensure a swift and reliable ride for guests, to their room, reception or any in-hotel facility.

Tailored solutions.

. It’s a major challenge to design or rebuild a hotel to meet the needs of staff and guests alike. We can help. Schindler’s PORT Technology access control system can reserve elevators for special occasions and guests.

Efficient operation.

we balance maximum operation efficiency with minimum energy consumption. We use the latest technology and preventive maintenance to Hotel Elevator products and packages ensure reliable operation. Our regenerative drives and LED technology save energy for greener operation.


Serena Hotel

Total Units: 4 (3 Passenger and 1 Cargo)
Speed: 1 m/s
Stops: 6


Tailored for hotel operation


From big to small, heavy to light, from low-rise to highrise - Schindler offers preengineered or fullycustomized elevators.


Today's most comprehensive portfolio of escalators, from the world's most popular, the Schindler 9300, to the heavy-duty Schindler 9700.

Moving walks

With a full range of design features to choose from, a moving walk from Schindler seamlessly integrates into any building.

Schindler Modernization

Want to optimize mobility in your building?

Modernization ensures continued functionality, safety, comfort and compliance with changing official regulations. Schindler offers replacements for elevator and escalator systems or step-by-step transformations for specific parts – solutions that protect your investment for the long-term.